Don't let the baby boomers go bust!


The importance of multi-generational insurance.

Picture this: You’re aged 60 and semi-retired. Regular contributions to your retirement scheme over the years will soon pay off and you’re feeling quietly confident that in five years you’ll be ready to retire completely. You’ve worked hard during your long career, you’ve paid off your mortgage and made every effort to generate a good level of savings along the way. A comfortable retirement has been well-earned.

How imagine your 35-year-old daughter, a single mother of two, comes over to tell you she’s been diagnosed with breast cancer. After talking more about it, you discover she doesn’t have any trauma cover. Or income protection. And she forgot to renew her private health insurance.

So much for a comfortable retirement!

With all the focus on getting baby boomers saving and preparing for their twilight years, it’s easy to forget about one of the biggest potential financial hazards any pre-retiree can face – their own children.

When ‘non-dependent’ becomes ‘dependent’.

There’s no denying the baby boomers have been, and continue to be, a fountain of financial support to their Gen X and Gen Y offspring. They’ve paid tens of thousands of dollars to put them through private schools, put braces on their teeth, and possibly even paid for their university qualifications. The way New Zealand property prices are, they’ve probably also been called on to help with a deposit for their children’s first homes.

Now their children might be having children of their own. With sizeable mortgages to support, they’ll still need those two incomes to keep rolling in. With the cost of childcare up to $100 per day in some cases, Gen Xs and Ys have cottoned-on to a cheaper and more flexible form of child care - from their parents.

Of course, most baby boomers don’t think twice about helping out their children and grandchildren. Come what may, they will be there to support their families in any way they can – even if it means they have to sacrifice some of their retirement plans.But wouldn’t it be nice if it didn’t have to get to that stage?

Future-proofing their lifestyle in retirement.

Most of your baby boomer clients will have an adequate level of life insurance, however, given the statistics, it’s highly likely their children are significantly under-insured.








毋庸置疑,婴儿潮一代能持续的得到资金的支持,父母们愿意花上数万元装个牙套,送他们去私立学校,有可能已经在开始预备他们大学的学费。新西兰房价的涨势,也让父母们为孩子的第一套房子的首期款做好了准备,但是他们为了支付为数不小的房屋贷款,他们家庭中仍然需要两份收入。在某些情况下,一天内花在孩子身上的费用已经超过$100.但是,很多婴儿潮出生的人没有认真考虑过他们的孩子和孙子,这带来的影响就是,将来不管发生什么事,他们都必须以任何方式来支持他们后代家庭 - -这意味着他们不得不牺牲一些自己的退休计划,他们难道就不会因为不能过自己理想中的晚年而感到遗憾吗?

