Are we sicker or just savvier customers?


I don’t think people are sicker, and yet, there are more people claiming benefits, both state and income protection benefits. A big study for the New Zealand treasury a little while ago was done to look at the same question.
“Little SB (sickness benefit) and IB (invalid’s benefit) growth can be explained by increases in ill-health and disability among the working age population, either overall or due to population ageing” says Michael Fletcher in his December 2009 paper. He produces Ministry of Health data to support that view too.
Although, with so many things, this is complicated to even measure. So much so that the researcher for that paper had three methods: two that Treasury used plus an OECD estimate. But by one method the combined recipients of those benefits are 5% of the working age population whereas the rate was below 1% for the period from 1955 to 1980.
But if we aren’t actually a lot sicker, why are there more people claiming a sickness or invalid’s benefit?. Add to that the experience of our industry: there are more people claiming income protection benefits too. Some product features have been removed as a consequence: I recall when the default waiting period was 14 days, not 30, as it now is, nor 13 weeks, which has become very common.
大家认为今天的人们比50年前的人们更容易生病么? 我不认为现在的人们更加体弱多病,然而却有越来越多的人申请国家福利和收入保障福利。为了弄清楚事情的真相,新西兰卫生部利用三种不同的途径进行调查。第一个途径就是采纳财政部门对申请疾病津贴和伤残津贴的数据统计,第二个途径就是通过CECD(经合组织)的数据调查分析结果,第三个途径就是综合上述两项数据资料进行评估和分析。结果显示从1955年至1980年之间适龄劳动人口申请疾病和伤残津贴的人数比例还不到1%,但是近年来,适龄劳动人群申请疾病和伤残津贴的比例增长到了5%。
申领Little SB(疾病津贴)和IB(伤残津贴)的人数增加原因可能有很多。一方面因为劳动人口的疾病率和伤残率增高,另一方面也可能因为整体人口老龄化的原因。2009年新西兰卫生部门的调查数据也证明以上两点原因。

  • Ø  诊断项目和检查项目的增加:对不同病症进行了更详细的重新分类,尤其是在对精神疾病的诊断和发病率的检查方面。
  • Ø  其他外界因素的变化导致人数增多:例如是你的医生认为你不适合继续工作了导致你失业,还是你真的病的太重不能工作了?但是调查人员也发现,申领疾病补助的人数在增长,但是失业率却在下降。
  • Ø  ACC 申领评估标准越来越高:ACC近年来的条款变化很大,是导致申请收入保障保险和伤残保险理赔人数增加的重要原因。对于大众来说申请ACC越来越困难,所以更多的人选择放弃申请ACC,转而而申请保险理赔。
  • Ø  社会变革带来的影响:劳动力的多元化也是申请补助人数增多的原因之一,五十年代的时候很多女性只呆在家里从来没在外面工作过,由于女性劳动力进入了社会也导致了申领理赔的总体人数的上升。

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