why life insurance premium increase


The most common complaint about life insurance is the increase in premiums every year. Traditional stepped premiums start off cheap and increase every year as you get older. As you get older there is more risk to the insurer this is reflected in the increase premium each year. What starts off as the most cost effective option becomes expensive over time and results in most people cancelling their cover.
Most people take out life insurance to cover debt like the mortgage. Research by Westpac in New Zealand last year revealed the average first home buyer was 34. With q 25 or 30 year term most people will have the mortgage all their working life and well into their 60s.


浮动型人寿保险费随着年龄的增长也会不断增加,主要原因是保险公司认为年龄的增长会带来更多风险。 由于人寿保险费用的逐年增长致使很多人选择放弃了人寿保险,因为他们认为随着时间的变化最划算的选择变成了最昂贵的选择。

人们放弃人寿保险的主要原因是,新西兰多数人在50岁的时候仍有房屋贷款以及其他大量债务要偿还。新西兰Westpac 研究表明 , 大多数人会在34岁时贷款购买第一套房产,在接下来的25到30年间都会在还贷中度过,直到60岁以后才摆脱还款或债务问题。

但是人们还可以有另外一种选择就是固定保险费。固定保险费提供了长期固定的保费,不会随着年龄增长而增加。 最初的费用会比浮动保费要贵一些,但在随后的时间,固定保险费要比浮动保费便宜许多。人们通过这种选择不仅可以节省数千元而且更重要的是可支付起相应的费用。 很多人对固定保费最初是多少还有疑问。比如说,一个不抽烟的26岁女性上班族,选择固定保费保到80岁,保额是30万,保费在$9 per week。

