Half of Kiwi homes underinsured


Nearly half of Kiwi homes are underinsured by at least 10 per cent, new research shows.
Since the Canterbury earthquakes, insurance companies no longer offer full replacement value house policies in the event of a natural disaster.
Now the onus is on homeowners to estimate how much it would cost to rebuild their homes, and take out a "sum insured" policy accordingly.
Research from property analytics firm CoreLogic shows this has resulted in almost one in two New Zealand properties being underinsured, as homeowners miscalculate the true rebuild value.
With the New Zealand housing stock currently worth around $786 billion dollars, this equates to an $80 billion shortfall, CoreLogic says.
It was a serious problem, client director for insurance solutions Richard Deakin said.
"We think it's important that people are aware that there is a significant level of underinsurance in New Zealand."
CoreLogic is introducing new technology it says can more accurately work out the true cost of rebuilding a home than the current calculators available online.

由于基督城地震的影响,保险公司不再提供按平米数索赔的房屋保险。新的保险政策在2013年的5月开始实行,房主自己估算重建房屋的金额,然后提供给保险公司,也就是“sum insured”。

CoreLogic地产分析公司研究表明,在新西兰,每两套房屋中就有一套房屋Underinsured,也就是说保险的保额是不足够用来重建的,房主低估了真正的重建价值。与目前房屋市场价值约为$786 亿相比,房屋保额价比市场价低了将近$80亿。保险公司客户总监也认为这是一个相当严重的问题。

为了解决这个问题,网上有一些计算“Sum Insued”的计算器,根据填入房屋的结构划分,大小,还有特殊的设施,甚至是细到房屋所在的上坡斜度,以便于让房主准估算其房屋的大概价值,再根据这个价值估算出房屋保险的保额。
保险储蓄监察官卡伦·史蒂文斯表示,保险公司的最低限制是每平米$2000. 但是在申请房屋保险之前,最好是先进行准确的估价。目前主要的问题是新西兰人依然没有完全了解什么是足额保险。这里说明一下,足额保险是指房屋的所有价值,这里的价值不仅包括了房屋本身的价值也包括了护栏,独立在房屋外的Sleep-out,游泳池以及其他特殊设施的价值,例如其中一间房间装修成了桑拿房或者是隔音超级好的录音室,那么这个房间的价值就远远超过一个普通的卧室。


一对情侣 6个月前从英国回到新西兰Marirango的家,保险到了Renewal的时候,他们选择的保费是$80万,但是当他们用计算器在进行评估时,发现保费由原来的$80万增加到$92万。中间有着十万的差额,这显然是自己的估算还是低于房屋的真正价值。
