Gap between Auckland prices & rents not sustainable


Capital gains are driving investment in Auckland’s housing market, but how long can the gap between prices and rents last?
By Miriam Bell
Investment in Auckland’s heated housing market defies the traditional logic of investment, according to the latest NZ Housing & Construction Quarterly.
The report, by the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment (MBIE), said that changes in rental growth and house price growth tend to be closely related.
When prices grow faster than rents, it usually becomes less attractive to own an investment property – even when investors are looking for capital gains.

“A housing market with high house price growth but low rent growth is unsustainable.”This is because an investor’s expectation of future prices should depend on their expectation of future cash flows, the report, the report said.
Yet, in Auckland, this logic was not currently being adhered to.
Auckland house price growth had consistently exceeded rental growth for years and, while house price growth in Auckland continued to rise, rental yields were falling, the report continued.

新西兰商业部门发布的报告中指出,房屋价格以及租金的变化往往是紧密相关的。当房屋价格增长速度比租金快时,投资房就不会那么具有吸引力,因为投资者往往考虑的是投资回报率,在未来几年内能收回本金。 所以“房价增长过快,租金增长缓慢慢是不可持续的。”
国家最新的政策以及开始控制投资房的购买了。该政策特别标注了从今年10月1号以后,将对2年内购买并销售的投资房加收增值税。 该项税率可能会征收高达17%-18%,这将超过平均税率的2倍。
相对全国来讲,平均租金均已3%的幅度上涨。惠林顿部分地区租金有小幅度下降,但大多是地区租金都有上涨。 由此得知,投资者在奥克兰购买投资房并不是一个明智的选择,因为投资者不能依赖于房屋再出售或者租金去得到高的投资回报率。但惠林顿的情况就有所不同,该地区房屋价格并没有大规模的上涨,而且该区的租金也呈现出上涨趋势。所以投资奥克兰以外地方的房产例如惠林顿,会是未来明智之举。   