Mortgage rates down after OCR cut


Mortgage rates have begun to fall in response to the Reserve Bank's decision to cut the Official Cash Rate.The central bank this morning lowered the benchmark interest rate from 3.25 percent to 3 percent and signalled further cuts were likely.
The country's biggest bank, ANZ Bank, will cut its floating rate from 6.39 percent to 6.24 percent from next Monday.Kiwibank cut its floating rate from 6.4 percent to 6.15 percent effective immediately for new borrowers, and in two weeks' time for existing customers.The BNZ has dropped the rate on its floating home loan product from 6.34 percent to 5.99 percent, from Monday.
The Co-operative Bank had already cut its floating rate in anticipation of the Reserve Bank decision.The New Zealand dollar rose after the announcement, jumping more than half a cent against the US dollar to 66.47 US cents, and almost 1 cent against the Australian dollar to 90 cents, before easing back a bit.
BNZ最新规定,已经将本公司TotalMoney系列产品的浮动贷款利率从6.34%降至5.99%。这样的下调幅度比OCR的还要大。这也使得BNZ的总监Ceaig Herbison预测说这段时间选择浮动利率的人还将会增加。BNZ指出,新的贷款利率对于新客户来说,从2015年七月27日起便可生效。对于现有的客户,生效期于2015年8月11日。
ANZ也宣布,将降低浮动贷款利率以及Flexible home loan(灵活房屋贷款,ANZ 房屋贷款的产品之一)0.25个百分点。  为此,ANZ的浮动贷款利率为6.24%,Flexible home loan的贷款利率为6.35%。ANZ宣布,新客户将于7月27日起变可使用新的利率。对于现有的客户,新的利率将于8月10日起生效。
Kiwibank也在央行宣布降息日的当日,宣布下调浮动利率以及revolving Mortgage interest (循环贷款利率,Kiwibank的贷款产品之一) 。浮动利率从6.40%下调至6.15%,下降浮动与央行宣布的想符合。对于新客户来说,生效日为宣布日。对于现有的客户,将在两周后生效。
SBS银行也表示,也在这周7月27日早晨9:00公布了更多的降息细节。其中包括下降浮动利率至6.14%利率 。
这些公告都遵循着新西兰央行的微调,将OCR从3.25% 降至3%。新西兰央行行长格雷姆·惠勒预测说,政策在今年后半年有可能进一步的宽松。一些经济学家也认为新西兰央行很可能在今年年底,将OCR下调到历史最低点至2.5%。
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